Stress Tips

Stress & Weight Gain

Stress is one of the leading factors in weight gain. When your body is in a state of stress, the adrenal glands produce more cortisol, a hormone known to increase belly fat. The adrenal and thyroid gland are closely related so, stress can also cause decreased thyroid function which results in a lower metabolic rate and causes your body to burn off fat at slower rate. Cortisol production also utilizes the same building blocks as our sex hormones ie. testosterone, DHEA and estrogen. High cortisol demand creates multiple imbalances which can contribute to weight gain.

Keep it Simple

Making your life simpler may indeed help you lower your stress level. How do you begin? One way is to start clearing away the clutter, not just in your home, but also in your mind. Clutter contributes to stress which can make you feel overwhelmed, disorganized, and frustrated—to the point where your life may seem to be spiraling out of control. If you’re trying to simplify your life, keep everything simple.

• Clear your calendar – You do not have to be superman or superwoman.
• Learn to say no – Life will always demand, it’s OK to pass.
• Rearrange your schedule – If rush-hour traffic stresses you out, then leave earlier to beat it or later to miss it.
• Unplug yourself – Turn off the TV, radio, cell phone, and laptop and meditate.
• Keep multitasking to a minimum – Focus on one task at a time.

Food and Your Mood

Studies show that eating high-fat foods may help you feel content and satisfied. However, these feelings may be short-lived—foods high in fat actually can increase stress hormones and help keep them high. What is the real trouble with emotional eating? Once the joy of eating fades, the feelings that caused you to eat in the first place remain. In fact, you might even feel worse after eating the amount or type of food that you did. That’s why it’s important to learn the differences between physical and emotional hunger.